Actually Studying Abroad

IMG_5522Last week, someone commented that it didn’t look like I was actually studying. I would like to use this time to clear up any confusion. I am actually studying while over here. The reason I came to Italy was to study the Mediterranean Diet, so far, it’s going successfully. But, for further confirmation that I truly am studying, I would like to dedicate this weeks post to my academics.

Typical Tuscan View
Typical Tuscan View

This week I decided to stay in Florence, because we all need some down time every once in awhile. This down time was actually very productive, for each one of my classes. I think you’ll see why as I discuss the work I’m doing for each class.

Class trip to a Winery
Class trip to a Winery

Marketing- Thursday was a rainy day, unfortunately. In Marketing, though, I have to do market research on the Italian consumer. Now, what better way to learn about the Italian consumer then to become the consumer. So, on a rainy Thursday, I brought myself to a smaller local market and went shopping. I needed some sweaters and the market was a really cheap flea market! You could buy everything from fresh food for dinner, to underwear, to heavy coats. It was quite an experience. I really enjoyed learning about the consumer through this market.

Look, I'm healthy
Look, I’m healthy

Mediterranean Diet- My Nutrition class is arguably the most exciting class I’ve ever taken, and the most relevant. I came over to study the Mediterranean diet, therefore my main class should be about the Mediterranean diet.

Difficult classwork, you must really focus to ace the assignment
Difficult classwork, you must really focus to ace the assignment

For class on Friday, My professor took us to Chianti. Chianti is known for olive oil and wine, but mainly wine. For class we saw an olive grove and vineyard, then learned how to taste wine and did an actual wine tasting, (with high quality, not cheap wine). We then went to a fancy restaurant and ate traditional Tuscan foods. One of the dishes was a red onion flan with truffles and truffle sauce. We had steak, cheese (yes, I ate the cheese), fresh vegetables, pastries, and wine. This was an actual class trip, so I don’t think I need to elaborate on the educational value. As a nutrition student, being able to eat the foods that I learn about is an invaluable experience.

Sometimes, the best way to learn is a hands-on approach
Sometimes, the best way to learn is a hands-on approach

Political Science- As I write this blog post, I am also studying for a Political Science quiz that I have. Saturday, I sat down and rewrote my notes for my PSC class. I realized, while rewriting about the public sphere, I would learn more by actually immersing myself in the public sphere. The public sphere, for those who don’t know, is where people talk openly about politics (for lack of a better explanation). So, what better way to study this then hanging out with some friends in the central market and talking about life over pizza?!

Not only am I studying PSC, but I'm studying the Mediterranean diet
Not only am I studying PSC, but I’m studying the Mediterranean diet

Italian- Now, one could argue that I’m studying Italian at most points of the day, but reading labels and signs and ordering sandwiches gets a bit boring after awhile. Sunday, I took my studying to a new level by learning fight songs and cheers for the Fiorentina Soccer team, at a ‘calcio’ game. Fiorentina is ranked number one in Italian League A, so the stadium was packed, and the crowd was going crazy! There wasn’t a moment where people weren’t making insane amounts of noise. The energy in the stadium was unreal, a great way to end the weekend.

Red Onion Flan with Truffles
Red Onion Flan with Truffles

Overall, it was a productive weekend home. This upcoming week I get to brush up on my Spanish, as I will be in Barcelona (even though I’m pretty sure they speak Catalonian or some other derivative of Spanish). Hopefully the air is ready up and it’s evident that I really am studying while abroad.


3 thoughts on “Actually Studying Abroad

  1. I’m glad you are taking the time to learn about the many different cultures around you, even though this is not part of said curriculum. I’m glad to see you go above and beyond what us expected and excelling at this also! What more could your parents and Syracuse ask for??


  2. Oooooooo the Red Onion flan with Truffles looks outstanding!!! I love the satire! BTW I think you did extremely well with your marketing class. You must always be a consumer to properly market. You made your Grand,other PROUD!!


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